self-superv search results

self-superv - 19 / 19 | Yesterday
In this paper we present S3R-Net, the Self-Supervised Shadow Removal Network. The two-branch WGAN model achieves self-supervision relying on the unify-and-adaptphenomenon - it unifies the style of the output data and infers its characteristics from a database of unaligned shadow-free reference images. This approach stands in contrast to the large body of supervised frameworks. S3R-Net also differentiates itself from the few existing self-supervised models operating in a cycle-consistent manner, ...

Keywords: network, self-supervised, framework, database, tpu | Today
In this paper we present S3R Net, the Self Supervised Shadow Removal Network. Code...

Keywords: network, self-supervised | Yesterday
Sequential recommendation methods play a pivotal role in modern recommendation systems. A key challenge lies in accurately modeling user preferences in the face of data sparsity. To tackle this challenge, recent methods leverage contrastive learning (CL) to derive self-supervision signals by maximizing the mutual information of two augmented views of the original user behavior sequence. Despite their effectiveness, CL-based methods encounter a limitation in fully exploiting self-supervision sign...

Keywords: ... | Yesterday
We present a simple but effective pixel-level self-supervised distillation framework friendly to dense prediction tasks. Our method, called Pixel-Wise Contrastive Distillation (PCD), distills knowledge by attracting the corresponding pixels from student's and teacher's output feature maps. PCD includes a novel design called SpatialAdaptor which ``reshapes'' a part of the teacher network while preserving the distribution of its output features. Our ablation experiments suggest that this reshaping...

Keywords: design, network, self-supervised, framework, tpu | Yesterday
Accurate completion and denoising of roof height maps are crucial to reconstructing high-quality 3D buildings. Repairing sparse points can enhance low-cost sensor use and reduce UAV flight overlap. RoofDiffusion is a new end-to-end self-supervised diffusion technique for robustly completing, in particular difficult, roof height maps. RoofDiffusion leverages widely-available curated footprints and can so handle up to 99\% point sparsity and 80\% roof area occlusion (regional incompleteness). A va...

Keywords: self-supervised | Yesterday
Popular representation learning methods encourage feature invariance under transformations applied at the input. However, in 3D perception tasks like object localization and segmentation, outputs are naturally equivariant to some transformations, such as rotation. Using pre-training loss functions that encourage equivariance of features under certain transformations provides a strong self-supervision signal while also retaining information of geometric relationships between transformed feature r...

Keywords: tpu, metric | Yesterday
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) has gained remarkable successes thanks to recent advances of deep learning, but it usually degrades significantly under real-world noisy conditions. Recent works introduce speech enhancement (SE) as front-end to improve speech quality, which is proved effective but may not be optimal for downstream ASR due to speech distortion problem. Based on that, latest works combine SE and currently popular self-supervised learning (SSL) to alleviate distortion and improve...

Keywords: self-supervised, speech recognition, supervised learning, | Yesterday
The perception of autonomous vehicles using radars has attracted increased research interest due its ability to operate in fog and bad weather. However, training radar models is hindered by the cost and difficulty of annotating large-scale radar data. To overcome this bottleneck, we propose a self-supervised learning framework to leverage the large amount of unlabeled radar data to pre-train radar-only embeddings for self-driving perception tasks. The proposed method combines radar-to-radar and ...

Keywords: self-supervised, framework, supervised learning, self-driving | Today
Open-world entity segmentation, as an emerging computer vision task, aims at segmenting entities in images without being restricted by pre-defined classes, offering impressive generalization capabilities on unseen images and concepts. Despite its promise, existing entity segmentation methods like Segment Anything Model (SAM) rely heavily on costly expert annotators. This work presents Self-supervised Open-world Hierarchical Entity Segmentation (SOHES), a novel approach that eliminates the need f...

Keywords: self-supervised, computer vision | Today
The objective of this paper is motion segmentation -- discovering and segmenting the moving objects in a video. This is a much studied area with numerous careful,and sometimes complex, approaches and training schemes including: self-supervised learning, learning from synthetic datasets, object-centric representations, amodal representations, and many more. Our interest in this paper is to determine if the Segment Anything model (SAM) can contribute to this task. We investigate two models for com...

Keywords: self-supervised, supervised learning | Today
In regression task I m given the following data Input vectors with known label. MSE loss should be used between the precidtion and the label.Pairs of input vectors without label, for which it is known that the model should give similar results. MSE l...

Keywords: self-supervised, regression | Yesterday
Unsupervised representation learning (URL), which learns compact embeddings of high-dimensional data without supervision, has made remarkable progress recently. However, the development of URLs for different requirements is independent, which limits the generalization of the algorithms, especially prohibitive as the number of tasks grows. For example, dimension reduction methods, t-SNE, and UMAP optimize pair-wise data relationships by preserving the global geometric structure, while self-superv...

Keywords: algorithms, metric | Yesterday
Neural fields excel in computer vision and robotics due to their ability to understand the 3D visual world such as inferring semantics, geometry, and dynamics. Given the capabilities of neural fields in densely representing a 3D scene from 2D images, we ask the question: Can we scale their self-supervised pretraining, specifically using masked autoencoders, to generate effective 3D representations from posed RGB images. Owing to the astounding success of extending transformers to novel data moda...

Keywords: transformer, self-supervised, visual, computer vision, | Yesterday
Masked image modeling (MIM) pre-training for large-scale vision transformers (ViTs) in computer vision has enabled promising downstream performance on top of the learned self-supervised ViT features. In this paper, we question if the extremely simple ViTs' fine-tuning performance with a small-scale architecture can also benefit from this pre-training paradigm, which is considerably less studied yet in contrast to the well-established lightweight architecture design methodology with sophisticated...

Keywords: self-supervised, computer vision, transformer, design | Yesterday
Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) is a relevant problem in computer vision, and implies unique challenges owing to its inherent variability and the rich contextualization required for its interpretation. Despite the success of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) in computer vision, its application to HTR has been rather scattered, leaving key SSL methodologies unexplored. This work focuses on one of them, namely Spatial Context-based SSL. We investigate how this family of approaches can be adapted a...

Keywords: self-supervised, computer vision, supervised learning | Yesterday
We propose a self-supervised learning approach for solving the following constrained optimization task in log-linear models or Markov networks. Let $f$ and $g$ be two log-linear models defined over the sets $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{Y}$ of random variables respectively. Given an assignment $\mathbf{x}$ to all variables in $\mathbf{X}$ (evidence) and a real number $q$, the constrained most-probable explanation (CMPE) task seeks to find an assignment $\mathbf{y}$ to all variables in $\mathbf{Y}$ s...

Keywords: network, self-supervised, optimization, supervised learning | Yesterday
As AI workloads increase in scope, generalization capability becomes challenging for small task-specific models and their demand for large amounts of labeled training samples increases. On the contrary, Foundation Models (FMs) are trained with internet-scale unlabeled data via self-supervised learning and have been shown to adapt to various tasks with minimal fine-tuning. Although large FMs have demonstrated significant impact in natural language processing and computer vision, efforts toward FM...

Keywords: self-supervised, supervised learning, ai , | Yesterday
Recent years have witnessed the great success of self-supervised learning (SSL) in recommendation systems. However, SSL recommender models are likely to suffer from spurious correlations, leading to poor generalization. To mitigate spurious correlations, existing work usually pursues ID-based SSL recommendation or utilizes feature engineering to identify spurious features. Nevertheless, ID-based SSL approaches sacrifice the positive impact of invariant features, while feature engineering methods...

Keywords: self-supervised, correlation, supervised learning | Yesterday
We demonstrate that adding a weighting factor to decay the strength of identity shortcuts within residual networks substantially improves semantic feature learning in the state-of-the-art self-supervised masked autoencoding (MAE) paradigm. Our modification to the identity shortcuts within a VIT-B/16 backbone of an MAE boosts linear probing accuracy on ImageNet from 67.3% to 72.3%. This significant gap suggests that, while residual connection structure serves an essential role in facilitating gra...

Keywords: coding, self-supervised, network, imagenet