Quantum Computing

Quantum computing news and articles

VIENNA, Austria 8212 Quantum computing just took big step forward thanks to scientific breakthrough involving just one laser. Researchers in Austria are now able to perform complex quantum calculations with single beam of light 8212 setting up t...

Keywords: computing, quantum comp, quant
Several articles and books adequately cover quantum computing concepts, such as gate/circuit model (and Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm, QAOA), Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), and Quantum Annealing (QA). However, they typically stop short of accessing quantum hardware and solve numerical problem instances. This tutorial offers a quick hands-on introduction to solving Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems on currently available quantum computers. We cover both ...

Keywords: quantum comp, quant, computing, tutorial,
Rigetti UK and Oxford Instruments have successfully deployed one of the UKs first quantum computers, advancing UKs capabilities in quantum computing....

Keywords: computing, quantum comp, quant
Finding an optimal balance between risk and returns in investment portfolios is a central challenge in quantitative finance, often addressed through Markowitz portfolio theory (MPT). While traditional portfolio optimization is carried out in a continuous fashion, as if stocks could be bought in fractional increments, practical implementations often resort to approximations, as fractional stocks are typically not tradeable. While these approximations are effective for large investment budgets, th...

Keywords: computing, ios, quant, optimization
High-rate quantum error correcting (QEC) codes with moderate overheads in qubit number and control complexity are highly desirable for achieving fault-tolerant quantum computing. Recently, quantum error correction has experienced significant progress both in code development and experimental realizations, with neutral atom qubit architecture rapidly establishing itself as a leading platform in the field. Scalable quantum computing will require processing with QEC codes that have low qubit overhe...

Keywords: quantum comp, quant, scala, qubit,
We evaluate the maximal Bell violation for a generic qubit-qudit system, obtaining easily computable expressions in arbitrary qudit dimension. This work generalizes the well-known Horodeckis's result for a qubit-qubit system. We also give simple lower and upper bounds on that violation and study the possibility of improving the amount of Bell-violation by embedding the qudit Hilbert space in one of larger dimension. The results are illustrated with a family of density matrices in the context of ...

Keywords: qubit
The influential AI design that makes chatbots tick now runs on quantum computers...

Keywords: design, quantum comp, quant, chatbot
Quantum sensors made from superconducting qubits might be able to detect this mysterious substance, say physicistsThe post Looking for dark matter differently appeared first on Physics World....

Keywords: design, quant, qubit, framework, test
Scientific American Quantum Computers Can Run Powerful AI That Works like the Brain...

Keywords: quantum comp, quant, ai
Variational quantum algorithms show potential in effectively operating on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. A novel variational approach to reinforcement learning has been recently proposed, incorporating linear-optical interferometers and a classical learning model known as projective simulation (PS). PS is a decision-making tool for reinforcement learning and can be classically represented as a random walk on a graph that describes the agent's memory. In its optical quantum version, th...

Keywords: reinforcement learning, quantum comp, algorithms,
Quantum algorithms offer significant speed-ups over their classical counterparts in various applications. In this paper, we develop quantum algorithms for the Kalman filter widely used in classical control engineering using the block encoding method. The entire calculation process is achieved by performing matrix operations on Hamiltonians based on the block encoding framework, including addition, multiplication, and inversion, which can be completed in a unified framework compared to previous q...

Keywords: coding, algorithms, quant, framework
Using quantum algorithms, we obtain, for accuracy $\epsilon>0$ and confidence $1-\delta,0<\delta<1,$ a new sample complexity upper bound of $O((\mbox{log}(\frac{1}{\ as $\epsilon,\delta\rightarr 0$ for a general agnostic learning model, provided the hypothesis class is of finite cardinality. This greatly improves upon a corresponding sample complexity of asymptotic order $\Theta((\mbox{log}(\frac known in the literature to be attainable by means o...

Keywords: algorithms, quant
Data analytics startup Fullstory Inc. says it wants to enhance the capabilities of artificial intelligence applications by providing them with the behavioral data they need to understand customers sentiments properly. To do this, it has announced new...

Keywords: quantum comp, quant, mobile, startup
Cryptocurrency mining processes always lead to a high energy consumption at considerably high production cost, which is nearly one-third of cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin) price itself. As the core of mining process is based on SHA-256 cryptographic hashing function, by using the alternative quantum computers, hybrid quantum computers or more larger quantum computing devices like quantum annealers, it would be possible to reduce the mining energy consumption with a quantum hardware's low-energy-op...

Keywords: design, quantum comp, quant, bitcoin,
Quantum Monte Carlo integration (QMCI) provides a quadratic speed-up over its classical counterpart, and its applications have been investigated in various fields, including finance. This paper considers its application to risk aggregation, one of the most important numerical tasks in financial risk management. Risk aggregation combines several risk variables and quantifies the total amount of risk, taking into account the correlation among them. For this task, there exists a useful tool called ...

Keywords: correlation, quant

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